
Customer : We shall delight our customer by providing services of high value within our core competency by meeting their stated and implied needs.

We shall be a preferred supplier in our chosen area of operations, which shall include export.

Employees : We shall encourage participative management and a conducive environment for continuous growth. We shall improve our employees standard of living by fulfilling their reasonable aspirations. We shall always encourage higher level of performance.

Stock holders : We shall aim at consistent improvement in financial returns to our stock holders and work for the organization's growth.

Vendors : We shall encourage our vendors through fair deal to provide us the best of services, quality and on time delivery and develop them for mutual growth. We consider our vendors as our business partners

Society : We shall conduct ourselves as responsible corporate citizen through professional management. We shall create non-polluted greener environment.

We shall abide by the laws of the land.


  • Creating defectless processes.
  • Cutting down the cost through improvements.
  • Empower people to work with us.
  • Focusing on enhancing value to all stakeholders in our business.
  • Maintaining business ethics.
  • Complying to all statutory and regulatory requirements of the State.